Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Holy cheese, there is an 80 percent chance of snow on thursday and that is tomorrow!
I will post sum pics when i get them so don't touch that dial!!!! LOL

Monday, January 4, 2010

Paris, maybe.

I have been contemplating on how long to wait until i have time or the money to go for a trip to paris. It seems i will have to wait till i get a job and save for like two years and get some friends to go with me who aren't completely frozen when it comes to flying over the ocean or land for that matter!!!

Anyway, it will probably be years from now till i am able to go without my brother totally freaking out! He is very protecting of me so i guess i just wont tell him when i go, i will just have to take him to mexico before i go to paris. he said he would go to mexico if we didn't have to fly.LOL

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I am so happy it is the new year but i am also so nervous this summer i get my license and can drive by myself legally. that never stoped me before!!! LOL i just joking i have never driven without a licensed driver in the front seat that is over 21. Or have i???? anyway i hope i ain't goin to freeze this weekend! it is supposed to be below 30 degrees every night this week, o well. i got to go and, well you don't want to know it is very grusum!!!! lol