Monday, January 31, 2011
Killer porch steps!!
Ok my mom was walking down the steps the other day and fell so now she has a gigantic bruise the shape of a shark on her backside lol i cant help but feel sorry for her because i know how she feels. i am sitting here watching hidalgo movie there is nothing else on to watch except wrestle mania and i dont much feel like watching those overly buff dudes going at it in a ring for nothing and getting the holy living snot being beat out of each other. I am so glad i dont feel like throwing up right now but the night is still young though. Man oh man lol i could fall out asleep right now but i dont think that would accomplish much at the moment. Oh man this is the best part of the movie right here where frank saves the girl and rides off on hidalgo into the desert of course it wouldnt be a western if there wasnt a fire fight now would it? wow hidalgo it a smart horse he just untied his rope and followed after frank. dang the later it gets the more i yawn but i was once told by a wise man to breathe deeper when that happens course i havent talked at him in about well this weekend it will be two weeks hope he is ok. ugh man you guys have no idea how awful it is to not be able to talk to someone that you know better than yourself sometimes. lol yes he knows me better than i thought he knew what i was going to say the other day before i said it lol oh well we all eventually know each other at sometime or another. ok did that make sense at all? because it didnt sound like it did. man i probably need to go to sleep or something lol i always need sleep when i get weird like this. i always sleep my emotions or sickness or just any old time feelings off it works for me you guys should try it well on second thought it might not work for you guys i am pretty good at being lazy and tired all the time i am always the one that fell asleep in science class in fourth grade but not so much anymore i am homeschooled so down with getting up at the butt crack of dawn! lol in your face alarm clock!!!! YAWN! man lol i get weirder and weirder the more time i go on and on and on and on and on ok am i freaking yall out? because i am feaking myself out a little.
Holy Crap
Ok so i now have a dang virus. i spent all night last night puking my guts out in the trash can but happy to say we now know each other very well! Now i got it coming out the other end and yes you guessed it i am not able to eat with out feeling like round two in the trash can. Been drinking powerade and water all day. I have been working on math all day so i dont think my brain could get any worse with the seeing symbols in my head when i close my eyes to blink or when i just lay on the couch and try to nap. No i have not slept very well and i dont think i will tonight either. I have to wait till thursday to order a new lap top to work on my moms died and we are using my brothers desk top to get by till we get the new ones. So i wont be doing much on the internet till then unless absolutly necessary like for school or something. GAH i really wish i had not caught this dang virus i really just want to go to sleep and wake up better and not have to put up with it like i did last night. Oh well want in one hand cry in another i guess. GOD my back is killing me from heaving last night. I just would really like someone to shoot me or tranqulize me or something! Just for some relief for like ten seconds or something.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Ok so me and my friend kerri went to clean out her car, we were just about to vaccum the floor boards and i looked at the door she had some stuff in the door pannel lol i pulle dout some skittles that we had gotten a month ago at the rave!! lol month old movie skittles and th ebad part is they tasted fresh!!!! lol i ate like two i think she ate like three hand fulls! then we just finished up cleaning the car we just sat around in the car talking for like an hour after that.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
i am about to die here i have been running since six this morning. i went to sleep at twelve last night to.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
LOL ok so i was eatin a pear earlier and yes before you ask it was so good hadnt had one that good in a while and the dog was out he jumped up on the couch and sat right behind me and my brother was sitting right next to me trying to keep the dog away from me it was funny because every time i turned around he was right in my face trying to get the pear i was eatin. he even tried to kiss me which i am sad to say he actually put his nose on my lips ugh it still gives me the chills thinking abuot it and i had chap stick on he left a hair from his nose on my mouth i had to get it off before i did anything else with that pear. lol he finally got bored and tried to jump after it when he got ugh finally after watching him watch me watch him watch me i finally gave him the dang core. he put it on the carpet in the hall and chewed it and chewed it and chewed it for like a million years he left a few weird little wet spots on the floor from the juice. i havent even cleaned it up yet either.oh well i will eventually....maybe i might just leave it there to be a booby trap for some poor soul to step on it in sock feet or bare feet that would be awesomer than sock feet. lol yes awesomer is a word....i think anyway. ok so i am sittin next to my brother and he WONT SHUT UP!!!!!! he just cant shut it to save his own life i think for real though he just cant it is like i am doin something he comes over and wants to be buddy buddy with me then and not when i want to be buddy buddy with him right then. i swear he could make a nun swear. ok so maybe not i know i could make one swear perhaps i aint sure though i might be able to havent tired it yet i dont intend to either. lol ok if the opportunity comes knocking i might take it. then again i might rot in heck for eternity ok so i dont believe in that kind of heck the kind of heck i am thinkin about is something we all go to it is the common grave.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Daughtry and pictures soon!!!
ok so i am listening to daughtry and waiting on my mom to finish watching ncis with my dad to put some pics on this herea blog!! There is one that looks like i am crazy!! lol yes insanly sick in the head but i will next time i look like a lion take a pic and put it on here!! lol ok so maybe maybe not i dont know if i want to embarass myself on the internet!! lol but hey if you know me you already know how crazy in the head i am and that means you kerri!! lol ok so maybe you wont look at this thing for a while at least!!!! oh speaking of kerri(!!!), her and my brother are getting married sooooonnn!!!!!!! i am so happy!!!! it gets joe out of my hair!! ok so i will miss him but not as much as i love the peace and quiet i get when he is not home! that is why my friends,i love it when i am alone or my dad is home asleep and i get the house almost all to myself except for my whiny butt dog who gets scared of the dryer making a noise!!!! he even tries to chase bugs that come in the house and yes guess who has to kill them...yes you guessed it!! me!!!!!! i get this big old long pole so i dont get it jumping on me and me freakin out!! lol i havent freaked out in weeks ok so maybe i have but for good reason!! if you are a faithful follower of this blog you seen my last post of me goin back to work thursday!!! i am so happy about that!! i hope i get to be the horses all day i will anyway so, sih i am getting waay to excited right now so i am goin to calm down now so the pictures will be on here soon!!! blog ya late!!
FUN At The Wally Mart!!
Well last night it was like almost ten when we got home and we saw these weird little red monster looking thingys at the valentines spot they had their eyes on little stalks and it was funny i picked up one and its eye ball flopped back and was looking at me LOL My friend found that diturbing! So did i, i cant say i didnt because it freaked me out!! But i borrowed some daughtry from my friend and put it on the computer last night so i am about to listen to that and try to clean or something. lol
Monday, January 17, 2011
So as the title says i get to go back to the arena!!! So happy i get to i havent known what to do with myself!!well i got to go my friend and me and my brother is going to the wally mart to buy chocolate!!!! lol chocoholoics!!! lol
UMMMMM..........YEA I DONT KNOW.......
Ok so i was just wondering what kind of person i am am i hippy or am i pure country? Am i weird? Am i Crazy? lol i am random most of the time but i dont like being undecided! I am so freaking annoyed at myself for not knowing! But oh well i will be thinking tonight before i go to sleep but then again i might get in the shower and let the steam work its magic on me. I do use alot of natural stuff like almonds and soy milk and natural lotions and body mists lol today i smelled like coconut and lime....PINA' COLODAS ANYONE????? LOL!!!! LOL virgin of course i am not legal drinking age yet lol!!!. but i love them! the last time i drank one i got brain freeze! lol the best way to get rid of it is to put your thumb on the roof of your mouth for a few seconds. i have used that trick many times. Yea dont ask. Those hot summers are brutal here in the deep south i love laying in the shade of a big oak tree or in the woods for a lol i need summer big time right now to get ride of the winter blues!! cant wait!!! going to the creek to get some sun and long lazy days of being with my friends riding and long nights of sitting out under the stars or writing poetry in the middle of the night with the tree frogs calling for rain.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Bored As CRAP!!!
ok so maybe crap aint boring but hey you cant blame a girl for trying can you? ok so dont answer that. lol anyway ugh ok the cleaning bug crawled up and bit me! but now i am so lazy feeling! but hahah oh well i have a suprise planned for my mom she will get up and the cat prints in the tub and on the floor in the bathroom will be gone lol she jumped in the tub and went crazy. ah crap and now my butt is going to sleep!!,again!!! ok so yea i have lost alot of weight now and my mom says there aint nothing back there to coushion the impact of sitting down for extened period of time!! i believe her to!!! i found out the hard way. but now i think i have stablized in te losing division here and no i am not putting my weight on the internet for everyone to see!!!!! lol i dont care actually but still hahaha night bloggers!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Pink And Other Stuff LOL
raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways!! so if your to school for cool! something something lol dont remember the rest of the dang song!!!!! lol got bored!!!! probably going to have someone duck tape me to a wall tomorrow to keep myself from going insane!!!! lol ok not that drastic of a measure but close to it! a few weeks ago i just wanted someone to shoot me i was sick as a dog fever and crap lol thank god it is gone almost!!! lol man those people on music choice aree weird and random!! lol some of those things they send in is stupid! but oh well i am not the one getting embarrased! lol who cares though it is funny!
Hunting! Again! LOL

I want to go hunting!! lol I want to rock my camo again! gots to get my hunting license! i think my gun is collecting dust need to go and shoot it soon. and for those who dont know i have a new england fire arm 22 250 rifle it is my baby! lol ok it shares with teddy my puppy well he aint so small no more!!!
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